Not one
#criminal who caused
#MainSt crisis jailed. Nice record
#AG Scary same folk still run banking
#TimeForChange #Just a matter of #Time before they strike again. #DOJ lacks relevance; zero impact on the middle class #QualityOfLife. Protect the rich; cower, look away, remain silent do anything but fulfill your duties in your pretense that you represent the average #American, citizen or otherwise. So status quo. So #20thCentury #
Well, guess what? It's the #21stCentury. The Age of #Accountability. Verifiable #information courtesy #fruits of #Technology. My old school memories bring the phrase, #PowerToThePeople, from #OaklandCA, to present time. MainSt can rest assured that corrupt government officials have left plenty of digital tracks--IF government IT knows what they're doing, that is (re: #IRS #LoisLerner "erased" emails; never heard of #forensics, apparently).
By the way, nice typo on "
mortgage" in the headline... LOL
Holder Asks Lawyers to Pursue Bankers in Morgtage Fraud - Bloomberg Busines