Monday, October 2, 2017

HUMANITY OF A PUG: COURAGE, A Snapshot of An Amazing Journey At Da Dawghouse w Princess, Auzzie, Hercules, Elvis, Victor, Oscar and 4 Hens

I first met Courage [along w his nemesis, Victor the English Bulldog] in fall 2001 when they lived in Kirkland WA. When not socializing, cuddling or napping, he was on the quest for that next treat. 

Courage's Favorite Hobby: πŸ˜‹πŸ˜„ Treat Hunting. He loved to eat and would even steal treats from his rottweiler buddies Elvis and Oscar. He was taller & larger than your average pug. If he wasn't with Elvis or Oscar, he was with me. At the park, on our walks, "Your pug is huge!" was a common refrain. :)

Victor hated most dogs, incl Courage, and only liked 4 people-- I'm glad I was one of them. πŸ’˜ He was somewhat of a bully to Courage so I kept a close watch anytime they were in the same space.πŸ‘€

Eventually, Courage moved into Da Dawghouse to join Elvis and Oscar; soon, Victor followed. 

Elvis and Oscar loved to watch TV. Courage did not.

Courage The Compassionate

Most striking was his beautiful friendship w Oscar. They were inseparable. Oscar and Courage loved to sit outside my home office and the two of them proudly sitting side-by-side was a familiar sight. 

In spring 2006, Oscar developed Addison's Disease. Courage's best friend succumbed that July. 

As we quietly reflected in the living room that warm July morning, Courage suddenly jumped off the couch and walked toward Oscar's bed. He slowly circled Oscar's body, walking, focused, sniffing curiously the entire way, and, finally, he gently rested his head on his fallen friend and closed his eyes. I thought, "My gosh, this is how humans mourn." 

He did not move until it was time for Oscar to leave. πŸ’” He refused his next 2 meals and ate little the next few days. I tried to comfort him but even treats didn't work.

Poor Oscar. He was in and out of the hospital in his final months.

In the following weeks, Courage still sat outside my office but it was obvious something had affected his spirit.

  Resilient Courage eventually bounced back. Here he is 3 mos later as Batman with Superman Elvis walking around Greenlake shortly after he turned 7.

Elvis and Courage goin' for a ride.

 Courage and Elvis soon formed a close bond.

One of the 10 times Courage ever barked. In Hillsboro, Oregon w/Elvis. "You have to stand for the national anthem before we play ball!" 

At our favorite Portland hotel. Grumpy Ole Man Victor couldn't get on the couch so everyone was safe (he once started a kitchen brawl✋ v Elvis AND Oscar that I had to break up).


πŸ’› Auzzie the shih tzu arrived before Christmas in 2006. πŸ’› Princess the Papillon flew in from Alaska in 2008. πŸ’› 

Auzzie adored Courage and delighted in hanging out w him.
My pretty Papillon Princess.
Hercules and Courage.
Boz stayed w us for a few months. 
πŸ’› Hercules the pug lived w us off-and-on for 5 yrs and was a familiar fixture til early 2012

Courage became fast friends w 
πŸ’› Bozley the Great Dane, summer of 2012. He played big brother to young Boz, kept him in line via his adorably unique puggish style. Both Herc and Boz sported amazingly expressive faces.

When hens πŸ” Madonna and BeyoncΓ© πŸ” first arrived, Courage was enthralled, gave chase. He's fast when he wants something and quickly caught up w the girls (I set down my phone to make sure it was a peaceful meeting). After he got a chance to sniff them, they all lived harmoniously. Silkies πŸ” Paris and Nicky Hilton πŸ” soon joined The Trinity in 2013.

My FurNFeathers teach me compassion.

I remember his first health episode summer 2015 sayin' to myself, "God, if you give me 2 more days w/him, I will be eternally grateful." He had developed bronchitis. 

In the initial days of 2017, decided to keep a set of Christmas lights up in the living room. When it came on each night, it was my reminder to focus on appreciating each day with Courage as a special gift. I thought he might have a few weeks then. πŸ’–

But he remained engaged, following me everywhere, being demanding, being himself. My birthday was super-special. Spring blossoms looked more vibrant than ever as baseball season started. He sat next to me as Golden State won another championship. He even made it to football season! 

So our Christmas lights in the living room have come on each night all year and will do so until his ashes come home. 

Now, it's just me and Princess, whose intelligence is on par w that of Elvis.

Every pet who's walked beside me during my amazing journey has enhanced my own humanity. I am so blessed to have shared a wonderful life w Courage- the most loyal and loving of companions. As each of my FurNFeathers have crossed the rainbow bridge, the gorgeous memories shine ever brighter. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for blessing me with such loving companions.

Hercules Auzzie Courage Princess sunbathing.

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